Take Charge Of Your overall Health in 5Days as you Enroll for POSSIBILITIES UNLIMITED 2.0

B Pharm. Harrison Chiebuka has decided to give a free class on health and well being

“Join us for an informative and interactive online health class! Our topic for this class is POSSIBILITIES UNLIMITED 2.0. Whether you’re a beginner or an expert, this class is for anyone looking to improve their overall health and wellness knowledge and skills.

In this class, you’ll learn;

Introduction to healthy living.
How to build and maintain a healthy lifestyle.
Fitness tips for beginners.
Foods causing cancers and their alternatives.
Lifestyle modification tips for diabetic and hypertensive patient.
Right way to take your medications/medicines.
Smoking cessation session.
Eating habits, factors and types.
Enemies at your table.
10 Information on sexual and reproductive health.

11 Exercise and stress management.

12 How being happy make you healthier and how to achieve this,and lots more..

Harrison Chiebuka (B.Pharm) will be leading the class and will be available to answer all of your questions.

Date: 7th – 11th Febuary 2023

Location: Whatsapp | Telegram Platforms

Cost; FREE

Sign up today and take the first step towards improving your overall health and wellbeing!

Follow the link for more information and to register,


Look forward to seeing you there!

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