
How to make a bow out of wrapping paper

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Thinking of giving a special gifts to someone special and don’t know how to go about it?? then lucky you for finding this post on our blog, as we have vividly explain step by step on how to make a bow using wrapping paper.


You won’t believe how simple it is to make these lovely handcrafted bows because they are picture-perfect. Use our free pattern to follow our instructions for creating two different sizes of paper bows.

In this post we explain step by step and indepth reports about How to make a bow out of wrapping paper, now relax and enjoy the piece as we explain the making of a bow using wrapping paper easy and fast.


Now let go ……

How to make a bow out of wrapping paper: items needed

In order to make a pretty, unique and stunning bow uding wrapping paper you need the following basic items ;

Cardstock, wrapping paper, or felt


Double-sided tape

Hot glue



how to make a bow out of wrapping paper

Having outlined the basic items needed for making a bow from wrapping paper, now let dive in to giving a easy, precise and fast step by step description on how to make a bow out of wrapping paper.

Step-by-Step Directions

With a few supplies and these instructions, we’ll show you how to make a bow out of wrapping paper. Customize your handmade bow with patterned paper, felt, or embellishments, like glitter.

First, cut the template.

how to make a bow out of wrapping paper

The procedure is the same whether you use felt or cardstock to construct the bows. Start by tracing the bow pattern onto the cloth you like, then cutting it out: This technique works best with lightweight papers, wrapping paper, scrapbook paper, and craft felt. Consider using a double-sided material because the bow folds over; if you choose patterned paper that is only printed on one side, the blank side will show.

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Next, attach the bow.

It’s time to begin putting the bow together once you’ve cut out the three bow sections. Fold the pattern’s rounded piece so that the ends meet in the centre (this will form the three-dimensional part of the bow).

Use a hot glue gun to affix this region if you’re using felt. Hot glue is an option if you’re making a paper bow, but double-sided tape will also work. To make sure the bow sticks, firmly press the center.

Step #3: Complete the Bow

Once the rounded top section of your bow is complete (and any hot glue you used has completely dried), you may either use hot glue or double-sided tape to join it to the angular bottom section. After that, take the little rectangle and affix it vertically to the middle of the bow loops. Using whatever type of adhesive you’re using, fold each edge over so the two ends meet in the back (more glue or tape).

how to make a bow out of wrapping paper

To better your understanding we further break it down in a mnore simpler and explanatory way below, enjoy !!!

STEP 1 First, cut three 12 inch long, 1 inch wide pieces of wrapping paper.

STEP 2 Next, make three 11-inch-long strips that are also 1 inch broad.

STEP 3: Lastly, cut three 10 inch long, 1 inch wide strips from your wrapping paper.

Craft Rocker with Hand Holding Looped Strip of Wrapping Paper


Start by softly folding one edge of one of your longest strips of paper to cross the center. It ought to resemble a cause ribbon.

Make cautious to avoid pressing the soft fold. It should be looped rather than flat. Craft Rocker Hand Holding Folded Strip of Wrapping Paper

I found it easiest to fold the strip of wrapping paper in half first so that I knew exactly where to place the end of the paper strip.

Hand Holding Double Looped Strip of Wrapping Paper – Craft Rocker

STEP 5 Holding the looped end in place, repeat the same thing on the other end of your bow and staple the ends to the middle of the paper strip to hold them in place.

STEP 6 Repeat steps 4 and 5 until all of your strips are looped and secured with a staple.

2 Double Looped Strips of Wrapping Paper

STEP 7 After that, start putting your bow together by using your glue runner to attach a short strip of adhesive to the middle of one of your huge bow loops.

STEP 8 Next, adhere a second, sizable bow loop to the glue, crossing the first one to create a brief “x” shape.

Wrapping paper strips crossed into three double loops – Craft Rocker

STEP 9 Place another thin strip of glue in the middle of the crossed loops, and then fasten your final long looped paper strip so that it crosses through the widest opening of the short “x” that is formed from above. It ought to resemble an asterisk in some way.

Craft Rocker: Classic Wrapping Paper Bow

STEP 10 Repeat steps 7-9, starting with the 11″ looped strips and ending with the 10″ looped strips, to add your looped strips together with your glue runner.


Last but not least, use your glue runner to attach a tiny 1 inch loop of wrapping paper to the middle of your bow.

STEP 1 Start by cutting a strip 6 to 8 inches wide that spans the entire height of your wrapping paper roll. The paper strip should then be sliced in two along the long edge.

Set aside one half to create another bow later (or to make the next bow below).

Pink foil paper folded in the hand as a craft rocker

Step two is to fold the second strip in half so that there are 3 to 4 inches of wrapping paper on either side of the fold.

Fringes Craft Rocker is cut into a folded piece of pink foil paper next to binder clips and scissors.

Step three is to trim a fringe along the folded edge. Don’t make a complete cut through. The paper should still be adhered to the frayed edges.

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Craft Rocker: Hand Rolling Fringed Foil Paper

The final step is to roll the frayed edges together until you reach the end of your fringed strip, then tape it.

Step 5: Fluff your fringe bow and you’re ready to go. Hand holding a fringed wrapping paper bow.

Craft Rocker: Close Up of Curled Wrapping Paper Bow on Wood Background


Making a curly bow is similar to making a fringe bow, but the finished product is a cascade of curls rather than a bow with fringe that resembles a flower.

Craft Rocker’s striped piece of wrapping paper

how to make a bow out of wrapping paper

STEP 1 First, cut a strip out of your roll of wrapping paper that is 6-8 inches wide and as long as your roll is, then split it in half, much as you did for the fringe bow.

Use it and move on to step 2 if you still have the second half from the previous step.

Craft Rocker: Hand Holding Back Corner of Folded Striped Piece of Wrapping Paper

Step two is to fold the strip in half lengthwise once again, leaving 3 to 4 inches of wrapping paper on either side of the fold.

STEP 3: After that, fringe-cut the paper’s frayed edges. The fringe on this bow should be wider than it was on the bow above.

Don’t cut the folded edge, and make them at least 1/2 inch broad.

Wrapping paper fringes curled next to scissors and a craft rocker

Step 4: Unfold the paper now, then use your scissors to curl the edges inward toward the middle. Find your rhythm and exercise patience.

how to make a bow out of wrapping paper

Particularly as I started to move too quickly, I had quite a few pieces fall off for me.

Curled wrapping paper’s end is manually rolled after that.

Step five is to seal the folded center of your curly paper with tape after rolling it to the other end.

It’s not only a fantastic way to use up leftover wrapping paper, but it also makes it very simple to personalize and match your gift bows!


I hop we where able to answer your question as well providing a simple and easy step by step guide for you , on How to make a bow out of wrapping paper’ if yes then let know how you felt, questions, observations or anything.

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