Happy Birthday Mr Yari Kumchi: May your birthday be filled with lots of joy and happiness. From Jolex Construction company.

Happy birthday to our esteemed leader, Mr Yari Kumchi

Jolex Construction company wishes to congratulates Our Leader Mr YARI KUMCHI Our This Day of His Auspicious Birthday Celebration Wishes Him God Protection And Guidance As He marks Yet Another Milestone In His Life.

we honor your dedication, vision, and tireless efforts and Your leadership quality which has been a beacon of hope and inspiration to many and the state at large.

We appreciate your unwavering commitment to the well-being of our citizens and the progress of our State, may this milestone be a celebration of your achievements and purposeful leadership of an expectation of those who looks towards you.

On Behalf of the management and staffs of jolex Construction company we are wishing you a joyous birthday, good health, and many more years of leadership that will continues to uplift and transform our State.

May your birthday be filled with lots of joy and happiness

Sign. Chief Chinedu John K Okponwa (KSC) CEO Jolex Construction company Jos.

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