Every life lost to insecurity gives me concern… we’ll do more to protect Nigerians – President Buhari says in New Year message

President Buhari says his administration remains committed to protecting Nigerians by addressing insecurity.

In his new year message to Nigerians, the President said every life lost to insecurity is of concern to him and that his government will do more to protect Nigerians in this new year.

According to the President, the issue of security has remained at the front burner of priority areas that his administration has given utmost attention to and that the government has invested heavily in re-equipping the military in line with upgrading the platforms and firepower required to tackle the current challenges being faced in the country.

“We equally remember and commiserate with Nigerians who have lost loved ones as a result of insecurity in different parts of the country. Every life matters and every single death caused by any form of insecurity is a matter of personal concern to me both as a citizen and as the President of this great country.
We remain fully committed to upholding the constitutional provisions that protect all Nigerians from any form of internal and external aggression.”

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